We have thousands of books termed as Vedic Literature.
Those pages were created at different periods and from
Different lands.
They have views, ideas, beliefs and argumental platforms too.
Religious dictums they are !
Spirituality is original and independent. It possesses its Basis on Search after TRUTH ; Research and Verification.
What is behind the Material or Idea ?
What impels inside the Material or Idea ?
How does it decide and function at a particular Situation ?
What does it know and
What does not ?
Where does Responses (Unique)
Come from ?
Why these Elements and Materials tend to Emit electronic sources
To create Screen and Sound ?
Idea manifests into Material embedded with new Properties.
When , where , and
Spirituality tours further and further towards the Origin and ROOT of
Spirituality leaves nothing.
It investigates and pose a Vigil on
Spirituality is a SCIENCE
Every Religion should have Spiritual Hub for its function and
Dynamics and Statics of any Material or Idea definitely shall possess its Spiritual Culture
Unique and Individual.
Any Food could be classified into two groups :
1.Simple food.
2. Costly food.
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