Sunday, 19 June 2016

THE POWER OF MUSIC : food to the whole being and to the Constitution .

We have no authority reliable to tell us what induced Music at first and how was it possible to learn about the existence of rhythm ; and we don't know when and where that Music inspiration and the initiation commenced.   
But we know it WORKS and has life.
    Music : Silver Craft.
Every sound is proven to be Music if it had sweet rhythm , Unhurting timing  and had comprehensible mood through the combination.
  The first Music the human history heard is the movement of Air and Wind with a tune, rain showers on plants at measured intervals ; and then the pleasant rush of WATER.
  The primitive people noticed the sounds and were curious about the things unstable and dropping off only for their food , Security and procreation among the wilderness.  They owned basic instinct to smell an alien substance or intruder and 
were busy with their urgent needs. They had little time to dwell on the far future or the life easily gained.
  The Music introduction is the first symptom of culture and discipline ;and of imagination and refinement.  We all have organs of articulation internally and externally to produce sound in various range at usage by our will , wish and to the Necessity.
Sound Automation is also there  !
Every noise is not Music.  Music is a symmetrical form of sound with Scale and Notes , resulting a fair  sweetness to the hearer.
Language sense is not essential to recognize Music and anyone could appreciate it by the enchanting rhythm , easy to experience.
  With letters , music is Divine ; and without letters ,  it is Flowering.
   Music could be represented by graphics and diagrams to study and compare Notes' variation.
Music has its own path; and easily  reaches the Receptive Organ.
  Music is mathematics and is ART and SCIENCE ; and Cures diseases.
The breath calculation in YOGA is really Music ; and all the scriptures decidedly related to sound control aimed to Health and Spirituality ; that is Music with Message.
When reciting scriptures loudly or silently or without lip movement ,
OUR BREATHING becomes Yoga voluntarily to the expected level. 
This is through Music !
   Prayer is Music.
Japa ( recitation ) is Music  and concentration too is Music.
   What is not Music when carefully contemplating on NATURE's order ?

Naadha Upaasanai : worshipping music as one's favouring Deity :  is also recommended for Devotion.
Maharishi Naradha is remembered by his attachments with Music.
   To sum up the greatness :
All the Mantras are Music in any land , Culture and Discipline.
Requisition receives responsibility when it is Musical and Soft.
  A sweet voice enters into the soul and procures the needy supply.
Goddess Saraswathi is adored as the Bestower of   Understanding ,  Intelligence and the fulfillments.
          Related Terminology :
Muse : verb
    think deeply or dreamily upon something not aware of what was happening around except that.
Muse : noun
    Goddess of Learning , Education and Harmony at any vibration .
Music : noun
    The art and science of producing pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm and harmony.
  RADHA has a nice attraction upon KRISHNA who is Music Immortal.
KRISHNA has a boundless care at RADHA who is Music Herself.
They are performers and admirers and added Majesticity to Music.
  SRI SARASWATHI Devi is defined as the Goddess of Muse.
She is depicted as the embodiment of Education and the Authority to every Art and Intelligence with Her natural surrounding  which is Pure  Music Flow in every detail.
RADHA , KRISHNA , NARADHA and the Entire universe is within HER ,
in the form of Music Celestial which selects and arranges EXISTENCE.
  Music is the binding force and the engineering to the survival of The Cosmology eternal.
  A sweet effort doesn't feel tired to stretch about unknown lands and it does never face Failure or loss.
   Any Technology or Machinery of the olden days and present era is actually Music ; IT is music that turns keys Correctly.
The phone number is Music  attuned to the Recipient instantly.
The keyboard is Music at the tools and devices for typing and printing. Publication is Music and the reader is satisfied when the Contributions were fresh , pleasant and friendly.
Married life remains as MUSIC when the couple maintains a true equilibrium of thought and Vision.
What is not MUSIC when we learn to see and hear Resonance with things and Happenings near by ?
     Music is Everything :
Food becomes Music to the whole being when it was tasty and healthy even before digestion ; the smell and appearance perform this great wonder by habitual touch.
Music becomes food to the entire life circulation of the being when it was understandable and Sweet.
Medicine becomes Music when it reaches the spot needed healing.
Music Independently acts as Nurse and Medicine ; and becomes one's Step Mother too to attend delivery 
when it surrenders at the Feet of Goddess SARASWATHI Devi ,
Who is Medicine and Physician ; and Who could alter and purify the entire Constitution of the DEVOTEE.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


  We have English language for our Livelihood and Communication and we rely on English for our present needs and future engagements with the Universal Society we live at.
  Our Mythological Search is done through English language Fountain, which has Enormous Capability on  Spiritualism with Rational Basis.

   Tools Selection and its Merits :
  Every language is admirable and useful ; and special too to the User. ENGLISH  is very friendly to us and it has the Benevolence we needed for Research , Discerning and the Establishment final.
  English wishes new technics and it works as the Pilot in our Search. It shows the way and paves new path towards the Untrodden strangeness which held Rational Truths behind.
  It understands what we are for and provides the Inference internally.
  The English is Mother and friend from our very Start to LIVE at ; and  Her Skill is everfresh and Vital.
  We began our English practice on  Chronicles , Epistles and Poetry
Using how much words we knew.
  This practice taught us Maximum Utilities in any language prevalent ;
The topmost Utility and the BOON from any LANGUAGE is
Its Divinity : Grammar Intuition.
embedded in every Soul and Spirit From the very Start of Existence !
IN Reality there was no STARTING
or ENDING in NATURE's Office at
Language Construction and Usage.
All are Permanent and Universal at the Biological design and planetary provision.  
      Special freedom and Grace :
  The permanent Universal facts are stored in every Brain to be Useful ;and the new happenings are added.
The grand Universe hides nothing from the Earnest Surveyor who is for Truth.
But we lean on Temporary Joys forgetting our original Bliss.
It is no Preordained Fate or Destiny that drags one to degradation.
Everything rotates on its own AXIS with the Radius and Focus they Select which could be altered by WILL.
      About us :
  Autobiographical Data is essential to this title which covered Religious Order and Spiritual Standard as the Base , Foundation and Construction thoroughly verified.
We experience God's Grace face to face in every occasion and glorify Him then and there in our Guiding  on Spiritualism and Medicine.
Without God's grace Spiritualism or Medicine never becomes.
  We were Preordained for Survey
at our Own prayerful intention upon
We wished to be called as
Surveyors and Perambulators  ALL.
  We prepare ourselves for the ART and SCIENCE of SURVEYING and engaged with Tours always to see and experience Truth nearby.

      Our search for Mythology :
Ever we follow and strongly rely on The Vocabulary strength of English for our New Search at any FIELD ,
open or closed to the common EYE.
We dwell on Terminological survey  to find out the Origin of Mythology. 
  The human Intellect at Quietness is endowed with the power to know the Occult Background of our lives.
  So it is possible to comprehend , accept and make use of the
Sure  Existence of one Providence ,Almighty God.
  The aspirants who developed their Intellectual Status to SEE the Mystic Regions beyond our perception are addressed as  SEERS as they SAW the glimpses of Godliness.         Through this attainment the SEERS  assigned Names to the Providence fitted with arranged attributes  :
  Gender , Size , Age , Lordship and the weapons and vehicles.
No one yet Questioned about it !
The God too never turned at IT. 
   Any attribute away from GRACE and RIGHTIOUSNESS is imaginary  ,falsehood and Dramatism.
  No God is actor for Publicity.
He is Charitable and Simple.
   Now Terminology for reference :
Muscle : part of body.
Muzzle :mouth and nose of animal.
              mouth of the gun.
Mystic  : one who seeks divine.
Myth    : tale with supernaturalism
          by characters ,events,places
          and objects ; and epoch.
Mythology : myths collectively.
  It has more than four Categories   to classify and discriminate :
Person                place and event
Imaginary             Imaginary
Imaginary             Real
Real                       Imaginary
REAL                     REAL
These three Deities are related with one another in Religious Order or in Spiritual Standard.
This Three is TRINITY incarnated ;
These Deities in any language are open , simple and popular to every devotee and audience.
  The Mighty Providence is in three names at His Will and Judgement.
Owns nothing is ANJANEYA.
Controllable is  AADHITHYAA.
Nature Nonparallel is KRISHNA.
   NATURE: inborn unaffected power
       underlying all phenomena.
   Nonparallel : unequalled or
Why did we prefer KRISHNA  ?
  Godhead travelled through ages in various forms entertaining Earthly Ordeals and Challenges agreeable.
  No supernaturalism involved ;
  Godhead centred on community.
  He moved with the Poor and Royal
    accustomed to the surrounding ;and left nothing Untested.

   the incarnation entered into every detail of Human Proposition:
In KRISHNA the education ended , all the Ordeals Conquered and no Challenge was pending as He was the Best disciple in Discipline
by earning stillness in WAR and balanced intellect at Popularity.
  He is ready at Peacemaking and could Charge anyone by Wish
as He learnt Warfare flawless.
KRISHNA learnt and practiced every Art and Science ascribed to Royal Birth and enthroned Kingdom .
  When stayed in Brahmacharya Ashrama , He did service to the Tapasvins and Yogins and received their blessings of Occult Dharshan.   He digested entirely all He studied at the Gurukulam and acquired His own reliability on the SCIENCE ; He gathered every specialisation in it and restated as SRI Bhagavath Gita the wholesome treatise on YOGA.
  We have this in Mahabharata.
Mahabharata may be Myth or Epic ; but KRISHNA is fact and Divine and Bhagavath Gita the Master Piece. 
   The flawless KRISHNA is a sweet darling to His spouses and a Grand Patron to the citizens ; and He is a Perfect  YOGI well versed in the mechanism and evolution of a being and resides  in us in the form of an ALL PERVADING  ORGANIZER
to talk , hear and Evaluate ; and to convene Conference at doubts.
  In KRISHNA we adore Motherhood at its Rare Beauty and Magnanimity when hearing about His Caretaking at His sweetheart RADHA.
  ANJANEYA is a child to Children and matured ROBOT at urgency.
Wild animals may behave domestic if trained by a skilled medical staff. But no animal employs Divinity.
  ANJANEYA is no monkey faced ; nor has a Muzzle protruded ; He is Beauty surplus ; He is youth and femalish empowered ; Wisdom ever topmost ; and Immaculate Celibacy consummated through the positive Culmination of Enzymes in glands.
  ANJANEYA has unlimited degrees of freedom to move and extend the muscles and is IMMORTAL divine.
  He  Conquered wishes and wants ; and freed Himself ultimately to be with the Devotees of RAMA  !
He knew new machinery and could understand what Muzzle Velocity is and could adjust His shoulder to the Retarding Force exerted.
   AADHITHYAA is MAHAA VISHNU in Celestial Space governing all the Solar Families countable by Him ; and in every planetary being to give  Brightness at heart , Energy in Brain and Spiritual thirst at the Central Organism all along the life span , to incline towards TRUTH.
  ANJANEYA became great through His discipleship under the Sun God AADHITHYAA who is IMMORTAL.
In villages the SUN AADHITHYA is addressed as SURYA NARAYANA as they knew that AADHITHYA is no one other than MAHAA VISHNU.
     Note :
  Solar System is purely Astronomy and it has no connection with the narrative of Mythological events. 
   AADHITHYA is the BRILLIANCE at this vast Universe visible or unseen.
The brilliance is no Myth !
  The titular deities have Mythology under one condition that they are Spiritual entities and not Blended.
  In fictitious Mythology the events and characters are huge , strange and out of Common place.
  But at our title we furnished facts through search , study , experience and new learning in the Field
   The deities and their platform :
The basic Divine Trinity :
AYAN       Brahma.
HARI        Vishnu.
Moving AIR is called WIND.
Our fore parents acknowledged the theory that SRI ANJANEYA is the son to VAAYU.   WIND deity.
   SRI ANJANA DEVI    mother.
We know HANUMAN very well.
We worship Him for our needs.
We pray to Him at any urgency.
   We are never deceived or ever returned with empty handed from His temples inland and abroad
as He is our Saviour at hand
and GURU at our confusion.
  AIR is essential for BREATHING and WIND has its importance in life and LUXURY.
We have AIR cooler and Wind Mills and are grateful to AIR and WIND.
  MARUTHI is one of the popular names to ANJANEYA which means MAARUTHAM  Wind.
MARUTHI  from Wind.
  ANJANEYA is well versed in YOGA and Medicine and is Peacemaker :
Yet He could defeat any FIEND if Challenged for WAR or Battle.
Breath Control offers this Stamina.
    We know Seasons of the Year and the Phases of the Moon.
KRISHNA is the indweller ; Krishna means darkness , secret ,decrease in distance from Solar Orb and any substance in black Colour.
The Universe is madeup of LIGHT in various proportions and it assumed different phases in the functioning.
Light compressed became Fire.
Fire sent forth Air.
Air expanded is labeled as Space.
Space condensed as Earth ; and the
Earth upholds Water which is pure and reflects everything near and far.  In compression , pulsation  and condensation the WATER remained in unseen Region named KRISHNA.     Krishna is Brilliance ; and the same Krishna is every colour of the
BRILLIANCE to be known in different names and forms ; and colourless too.
The Colour or BRILLIANCE have no religion nor sect.
It is Spirituality and Divine.
Let us pray to the Spiritual Trinity of all lands and climates  ,
to bestow upon us wisdom to be friendly with every neighbors.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

RADHA KRISHNA : The Embodiment of Sincere Devotion .

Every language and every land has its Legend , Epic and Mythology. No one yet Questioned if the Narration is Actual Fact or Imagination for Dramatism.
Legend ,
Epic and
It is purely Spiritualism and is Fact.

The narrators purchased the Name RADHA KRISHNA from spiritualism to authorize their ideals through IT.
   Common public is innocent to the different sects in Worshipping God.
   Dvaida  or
   Visistadvaida shall
have the impact on the person who spent time for theological studies.
  The common man has no doubt or difficulty in believing God within Idols and to define faith without idol too. He believes God easily through  heritage and constitution and it is familiar as Breathing. He needed no extra supply of Sense to approve  the existence of One Almighty God with an Eternal Family connection.
The Society to its part extends help to Renew common man's beliefs  continuing throughout his life and to become  permanent in it as he is sincere at his Devotedness.

  Devotion ( Bakthi ) on someone or something needs Sincerity.
Sincerity to Devotion is simple ,safe and easily attainable by anyone through his own Wish.
   Sincerity costs nothing as it is Perennial ,healthy and life's source.
   Sacrifice is no Devotion at all :
It should not hurt one's person or feeling or decrease his Status. 
Well being is the outcome of Bakthi.
Bakthi should be the shelter , light and guide to one in his Labour and should shower Overall success in his every STEP.
It comes through Mutual Bend !  
And it holds the Blessings of Nature's Divinity.
      Now RADHA's Bakthi  :
  True to HER NATURE
for Her Devotion.
   It is Sincerity  !
The Sincerity touched KRISHNA  !!
   True to HIS Honesty and Lordship
KRISHNA the eternal purusha
Experienced a strange Blossoming within Himself  ; and through the Newly Manifested Fragrance He became aware of the Excellent place He has
In the Heart of RADHA.
It is learning through Mutual Bend.
It is Intuition by LEMNISCATE.
It is Education to every Being and The Supreme Consummation of Complements.

What is Special in RADHA  ?

   RADHA is from simple common sect , pure and free at her thoughts  to be independent and emotionless. So it was very easy for Her to Own the Throne of KRISHNA within.
    KRISHNA within everything  is
Divine Divine and Divine ultimate.
Nobody listened to Him as all are depending upon the surrounding Noise  and the Noise within them.
RADHA only needed Him and truly invited Him to be Within Her.
This happened Intuitively so that the Supreme purusha Sensed it.
  This is Devotion sincere.
This became possible through Her Wish. Wish furnished the BOON. 
There was no separate Self ; Every electron is free from Self (RADHA ).
She left everything in KRISHNA.
This is no unthoughtful Sacrifice or Laziness at its Carefree escapism.
It is dedication at its natural form ;It is total surrender of everything; and all she cared for is KRISHNA within.She knew nothing other than that. She became little at His BOSOM.
The Child-like Sincerity rewards.
The Divinity functions instantly.
He envelopes Her as His Own.
That is all.
This is new Flowering in KRISHNA all along the Origin of Incarnation.  The Supreme Motherhood in Him found place through RADHA  well known to every Devotee now.



Thursday, 2 June 2016

The Designs on the floor and walls Design our life on Earth and Space .

   The things we use are designed to the purpose and they have designs on them to attract more.
The designs on the jewelry surpass the material strength and attracts the hungry eyes of a lady soon.
The mosaic floor and the tiled wall contain designs on them.
The dress we wear has Designs , and the cloudy Sky too has designs
Collected and Scattered in space.

   The people in business have their Research centre for deciding which designs appeal quickly.
They have their advertising team to collect efficient data on design rate.     These are undercurrent.
The consumers knew nothing what happens behind the products they purchased at a final decision.

Everything we see prints its Mark :
The designs on the floor and walls quickly attracts our sense and we continue to ask all about it. We are beyond control and were attuned to our enthusiasm towards the attractive DESIGN.
Human mind could not be silented easily after seeing a design ,model or Scene. It meditates upon the sight and finds way to enjoin the goods.
  This is average Psychology at its uneducated unrefined STAGE.
  It is the common Domain  !

We never notice the scratches or new lines' appearance  on our Skin and nor care for the Colour change.
But we go on Inquiring about the tiny Scratch on one's CAR.
Many come together to See it. 
  Why do we act differently  ?
Which part of us Stops us from the essential outlook as Human first ?
   The research yet to Conclude.

Design includes size , colour , mass and status ; and fragrance too.
Wedding invitations vary.
Marriage Hall selection differs.
Apartments have the Criteria.
Temples and Spiritual centres  also  experience a  marked difference in the Number of visitors between one another through DESIGN.

   Now Biological Architecture :
Nature selects what is Simple and Thrifty as  the basic tools. Nature wastes nothing at Haste.  Designs are Constitutional and Wholesome.
Things happen at an Automation when it is needy and Urgent.
Nothing is beyond Nature.
Study and Research on Nature is only for Utilization within limits.

Human behavior is also a Design :
Personality and Individuality are  IN and OUT of a person and Unique.
We conclude : He is the DESIGNER.
He himself designs Everything.
   Note :
What we select  Selects us instantly or somewhat before , to bless us or Enslave us.
The attraction is Mutual liking.
The Design we choose Choosed us already and  has its strong HOLD.

   What type of people we ARE  ?
That type of things are waiting for our Visit and Selection Everywhere.
   This is Nature's  Judgement ; It could be altered to GOOD when we found our past selection Worthless.
The Blessing or Enslavement  ?
Which is Natural for Well being  ? Consult with the OriginSelf to select what is Good and ever Harmless.
           WHOAM SANTHI.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


In Astrological Science , we have one special branch known as AARUDA SAASHTHRAM.
   Aarudam means coming soon ,
quick approach , and riding on some speedy means of journey  to reach the destination in time.
     Horoscopical study takes time and it needs Original Data ,for birth.
  AARUDA SAASHTHRAM stands on its Own Contents provable. 
   It is purely based on  :
1. Simple Astronomy.
2. Easily learnable Mathematics.
3. Keen observation at every move.
4. Oracle and Omen  and
5. Strong belief on Spirituality.
     Aarudam means instant Help.
It needs sincerity at Hearing what the Seer recommends for relief and to follow what he Instructs.
  Omen and Oracle : Definition.
Omen  natural occurrence.
Oracle  we request nature for reply.
  The Traffic Police is not opponent when stops us at the junction. Truly  he is  a friend and well wisher.
  Omen and Oracle too guides us in our decisions and undertakings.
This branch of Astrology dwells on the present situation in Question. It travels to the Urgent future to Scale the actual position ASHORE.

   Now Aarudam in Mythology :
We read about Highness Trinity.
  Brahma  , Vishnu and Shiva.
They have their vehicles to travel.
  Hamsa aaruda   Brahma.
  Rishabha aaruda   Shiva and
  Garuda aaruda   Vishnu.
They have their assigned duties in the formation of the Universe.
   Brahma  production.
   Shiva  Destruction  and
   Vishnu Protection.

SRI Mahaa Vishnu is well known at the name :PERUMAL.
  Until  day before yesterday ,
30  05  2016 Monday  ,
we dwelt on the single definition for PERUMAL , as  MAHAA VISHNU.
   By chance we saw a name :
   It is a eye opener and Omen ;
   And a  miraculous Oracle.
When we came out from the room
we happened to cross three lorries bearing the name : PERUMAL.
  The fourth one with the name :
    This is no Coincidence.
In Bhagavath Geetha ,
SRI KRISHNA proclaims that
He Himself is KARTHIKEYA .
It never flashed to us until date.

  On 30th May 2016 , Monday , we received special blessings from Astrology the Mother to all the arts and sciences for Human Health.
  All day long in our life we strive to establish positive facts in Astrology and Aaruda SAASHTHRAM.
   Morappur Muniappan and
   Molayaanoor Murugan are our first preceptors on ASTROLOGY.
   Aarudam goes to Peacock and we
pray to the Vehicle Divine , to install in us Lord Muruga Consciousness which we forgot without reason.