We have no authority reliable to tell us what induced Music at first and how was it possible to learn about the existence of rhythm ; and we don't know when and where that Music inspiration and the initiation commenced.
But we know it WORKS and has life.
Music : Silver Craft.
Every sound is proven to be Music if it had sweet rhythm , Unhurting timing and had comprehensible mood through the combination.
The first Music the human history heard is the movement of Air and Wind with a tune, rain showers on plants at measured intervals ; and then the pleasant rush of WATER.
The primitive people noticed the sounds and were curious about the things unstable and dropping off only for their food , Security and procreation among the wilderness. They owned basic instinct to smell an alien substance or intruder and
were busy with their urgent needs. They had little time to dwell on the far future or the life easily gained.
The Music introduction is the first symptom of culture and discipline ;and of imagination and refinement. We all have organs of articulation internally and externally to produce sound in various range at usage by our will , wish and to the Necessity.
Sound Automation is also there !
Every noise is not Music. Music is a symmetrical form of sound with Scale and Notes , resulting a fair sweetness to the hearer.
Language sense is not essential to recognize Music and anyone could appreciate it by the enchanting rhythm , easy to experience.
With letters , music is Divine ; and without letters , it is Flowering.
Music could be represented by graphics and diagrams to study and compare Notes' variation.
Music has its own path; and easily reaches the Receptive Organ.
Music is mathematics and is ART and SCIENCE ; and Cures diseases.
The breath calculation in YOGA is really Music ; and all the scriptures decidedly related to sound control aimed to Health and Spirituality ; that is Music with Message.
When reciting scriptures loudly or silently or without lip movement ,
OUR BREATHING becomes Yoga voluntarily to the expected level.
This is through Music !
Prayer is Music.
Japa ( recitation ) is Music and concentration too is Music.
What is not Music when carefully contemplating on NATURE's order ?
Naadha Upaasanai : worshipping music as one's favouring Deity : is also recommended for Devotion.
Maharishi Naradha is remembered by his attachments with Music.
To sum up the greatness :
All the Mantras are Music in any land , Culture and Discipline.
Requisition receives responsibility when it is Musical and Soft.
A sweet voice enters into the soul and procures the needy supply.
Goddess Saraswathi is adored as the Bestower of Understanding , Intelligence and the fulfillments.
Related Terminology :
Muse : verb
think deeply or dreamily upon something not aware of what was happening around except that.
Muse : noun
Goddess of Learning , Education and Harmony at any vibration .
Music : noun
The art and science of producing pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm and harmony.
RADHA has a nice attraction upon KRISHNA who is Music Immortal.
KRISHNA has a boundless care at RADHA who is Music Herself.
They are performers and admirers and added Majesticity to Music.
SRI SARASWATHI Devi is defined as the Goddess of Muse.
She is depicted as the embodiment of Education and the Authority to every Art and Intelligence with Her natural surrounding which is Pure Music Flow in every detail.
RADHA , KRISHNA , NARADHA and the Entire universe is within HER ,
in the form of Music Celestial which selects and arranges EXISTENCE.
Music is the binding force and the engineering to the survival of The Cosmology eternal.
A sweet effort doesn't feel tired to stretch about unknown lands and it does never face Failure or loss.
Any Technology or Machinery of the olden days and present era is actually Music ; IT is music that turns keys Correctly.
The phone number is Music attuned to the Recipient instantly.
The keyboard is Music at the tools and devices for typing and printing. Publication is Music and the reader is satisfied when the Contributions were fresh , pleasant and friendly.
Married life remains as MUSIC when the couple maintains a true equilibrium of thought and Vision.
What is not MUSIC when we learn to see and hear Resonance with things and Happenings near by ?
Music is Everything :
Food becomes Music to the whole being when it was tasty and healthy even before digestion ; the smell and appearance perform this great wonder by habitual touch.
Music becomes food to the entire life circulation of the being when it was understandable and Sweet.
Medicine becomes Music when it reaches the spot needed healing.
Music Independently acts as Nurse and Medicine ; and becomes one's Step Mother too to attend delivery
when it surrenders at the Feet of Goddess SARASWATHI Devi ,
Who is Medicine and Physician ; and Who could alter and purify the entire Constitution of the DEVOTEE.
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