Monday, 4 July 2016

Mahendra : The Universe , The Space and The Directions .

   The word YOGA has become Universal
which is handled with ease at any talk and discussion ; and it attained popularity in common usage.
  The original meaning of YOGA is :POSITION.
Some of the additional meanings : Luck, combination, attraction, two (more than one), union of objects , and purification of materials in and around the Physical Constitution.
  But we hear the word YOGA with a short understanding which keeps its attention towards Asanas and Meditation Techniques , prevalent ;and it is comfortably attached with Spirituality and Psychic Healing .    We above mentioned  some of the standard meanings to the Sanskrit word Yoga. 
   Among those meanings we find
' More than one '  is much related to the Subject in progress.
        MORE than ONE : a study.
God only is single and independent throughout ages and generations.
God alone is Evoluted to be Single and He could individually design and create anything by means of His own Illumination and Vitality.
   Except The Almighty nothing here is Single , Lonely or Independent  !
Everything is SURELY destined with the respective Complement , One ...
or More than One in number.
What is ' More than One '  ?
God alone possesses the will power and intelligence to stay single and be content with what He has and shall have ; and He is self luminous by conquering all Curiosity , Desire and Expectation.
  The other beings below the level of The Almighty God are distracted from their Self sufficiency as they are enchanted by Exterior pleasure ; and so turning out to discover new lands , leaving the  ' SELF FEEDING Magnanimity ' embedded within.
  We strive to find out the REASON and the stimulate urgency to the entry of imagination, falsehood and  harmful pastime into the Society.   Literatures on Moral teachings were left aside to invite THRILL arousers. Dressing code changed among the villages too within a short period of Thirteen years , from 2003 March. Thus the original purity is lost in the wilderness of Imitations.
   The Almighty God is One in many names and with comfortable forms satisfying the cult the group follow ; And the lower beings are many and they need support , comforting and Consolation from the outer world.
   They forget the Beacon Light and travel in dreadful darkness without Fear or guilty feeling for the down trodden voyage they have selected.
  Excellent powers are within us to be Content and peaceful. We need not struggle with any Strangeness paying our energy and vitality.
               First Position : 
Within us we have everything for good. It is the Position :  Number 1.
  This stage is perfect , pure and Original.
              Second Position :
   The Almighty God is the neighbor and the Complement destined ; and this is the Position :Number 2.
This is the Best Attunement  ! and it is appreciable for the Devotion.
               Third Position :
   If we CRAVE for another neighbor or bargaining partner it becomes the  ' More than ONE ' !
It is also a Category of YOGA ; but negative in thought and action.
It is Prematured Coupling and then everything turns away from the Grand Enfoldment of GOD ; and the being is left to its own FATE. 
                   Safety Rule :
    If we were not satisfied with the Independent Domain and wished to be Cared by the  ' More than ONE ' element , then a simple retreatment is necessary for praying. This  prayer is for the approval and guidance from the Almighty , who is Essential to bring the best and assure the harmless.
  One's wife , children and all the family members are to be guided and blessed by the Almighty ; and his business too is to be supervised
by the Grand Lord of the Universe. IT is POSSIBLE and a MUST !
          The Universe we live in :
The Universe is permanent  ; The Space is inter relative ; and The Directions are purely Relative.
  The Horizon is the first wonder of Nature and the Premier Factor to our eyes. From morning to evening and even at nights  every one of us SEE the Meeting of the SKY with the Earth's edge or the SEA level at a DISTANCE.
  We could witness this beautiful appearance at the farthest end as a Curvature line all around us  from any place in our habitat.
  This Horizon is the Canvas for the Divine Paintress , the Maha Sakthi ,
to disclose Her eternal prophecies 
which confirm Happiness to all. 
                    The Earth :
The Earth has two types of circular Movements  which could never  be verified or proved by the direct view through our Normal Eye Sight.    
     In this Colourful Universe there are millions  of Suns and their planetary System.    We are under the ORDER of  One of the Solar systems which consists of The Solar ( Sun) and the other major planets , The Sun being the Centre.
  In this Solar system the Sun is the generator and provider of light and heat and environment and the total well being of the Entire system. 
    Major Planets well known :
Pluto and
Ascending Node ( Rahu ) and
Descending Node ( Kethu ).
Lunar , the Moon  ,
   the satellite to the Earth.
            About the Directions :
East   : The point on the Horizon   where   the Sun seems to rise. 
West  : That part of the Horizon where the Sun is seen to set.
North : Right side of the person facing the Sun set.
South : Left side of the candidate facing the setting Sun.
  These directions are relative and are merely Markers on land to that particular  Place in account.
  Because : 1).The Sun's rising and setting points fairly vary  Northward or Southward in accordance with the season. So the marker is unstable and temporary.   2). The rising and the setting location differs  according to the place on the Globe.  So this is relative !
 These Directions are determined through our basic intuition towards the things and places we USE ; and
this is easy to follow and accurate.
 Now scientific devices are ready to show us the Magnetic North which is not the actual North we know !
  Then ,
  Apart from the Four directions we have the additional four Corners  :
Southeast and
  This is only for Basic Information on the Ancient  knowledge ; and the words are from the Sanskrit.
Asthu : the existence.
Aasthi : belonging , property.
Vasthu : material , substance.
Vaasthu : regarding material  or
                  substance , Quality.
Vaasthavam : Okay , real , fact ;
    could be seen , materialised. 
  The word Real Estate , denotes the Land Dealing Business , may have been coined from this' bijam', Root.
    In the above listed terminology
The short vowel sound of a is noun and the long vowel sound of a (aa) is adjective. 
     1. Mythology on Directions :
East            : Indran  ; all senses.
Southeast  : Agni ; fire , heat.
South         : Yeman ; vital force.
Southwest : Nirudhi ; solid things.
West           : Varunan ; RAIN.
Northwest : Vaayu ; air , wind.
North         : Kuberan ; wealth .
Northeast  : Eesaanyan ; fluids.
       2 . The actual Universe :
  Space is : a). the empty area ; and   b). the distance between things. 
   Universe has space and objects ; and it has invisible things too. The functioning of Normal  eyesight is not bestowed with the extra Vision to see the invisible things.
  Universe could conjure anything and could invoke life from Nothing.
  No illusion is there. The greatness of reality is disturbed by instantly aroused emotion or laziness ;or by  foolish judgement in hastiness.  
Universe is an Immortal entity and Eternal being and has Knowledge of Pure Independence and freedom.
   We pray to the Mother Universe to study all about the Mahendra in  Reign and we meditate upon Her to learn more about us smaller and weaker ; and depending on Mercy.
  3. Human idea upon the Universe :
Human skill is boundless and yet we were not certain about the past epoch at which the invasion of  IMAGINATION occurred in Human Dynasty.
  The impact and the  influence of the Tale makers and Story tellers on the everyday life of a Common Poor is unforgettable ; and could NOT be easily ignorable , Now !
  What sort of things are screened through the ropeless  technology using the Universe as the Reflector and Repeater and the Free source ?
  The unforgivable disturbance on the moral field of a Common Poor is ignored amidst the cordless !
       The greatness of Human :
  The map of the Universe drawn by human linage is amazing and it is thought provoking when study and inquire about the possible tools.
  Every object within the Universe is ageless and some are beyond the observation limit of any human.
Then... how was it possible to scale and estimate the height and fathom the depth of the Great Circles which are far away and shall need millions of years to cover an observation?    The entity and the being of the nice  Mother Universe helps human with the required knowledge to meditate upon the unseen grounds when he steps into the Miracles of Her Rare Charity spread throughout Nature. 
   But the human comes home with his own IDEAS  for Daily Trifles leaving the Greatness at the door step OUT !
       4.The Celestial Exhibition :
To meditate upon the Universe and visualize the heavenly bodies in it , we draw some imaginary lines by connecting well known edges.
  The earth we live on is a small dot when compared with the vastness of the Universe seen and unseen.
   One circle  with a dot at the centre represents in small size , the Earth and the exact place we stand at.
  We draw one imaginary line above our head joining East and West edges which  passes infront of us ; Then we draw another line above , joining South and North edges together. This line travels left to right. These two lines shall meet at a point exactly above our head which is topmost and we could join this point with a line that climbs UP from the Earth point.
Now we have created four sectors through the two imaginary lines :
The front half    : Eastern portion.   The back half    : Western portion.  The Left half     : Southern division.  The Right half   : Northern division.
  Let us imagine the Earth be a long water barrel laying at a position : The top towards the North and the bottom towards South : and rolling in the reverse order ,
from the West to the East.
The Earth thus rotates itself on its Own Axis ; and going around the SUN on its great annual orbit.
Because of this Global rotation the Sun and the other Heavenly bodies seem to rise from the East ; and move North or South to the central Equator line of the Grand Heaven !
     5.How to observe the Sky ?
Draw an imaginary line on the Earth joining East and West ; and another line joining North and South ; and
Stand on the meeting point of the two lines ,  facing South direction.
  Diurnal : daytime function.
  Nocturnal : night time function.
The lines passing through East and West are termed as Latitudes ; and the lines passing through North to South are Longitudes.
( These 'half curvature lines' are to be completed underneath too.  )
  The Sun's diurnal path occurs on the Celestial Latitude , climbing at the Eastern point and setting West.
  The Sun's Noon point occurs on the Celestial Longitude which is in Right Angle to the Earth line.
  This climbing up of any Heavenly body is termed as Ascension and this is in Clock wise Motion when viewing towards the South.
  In Astrological Science the word ASCENSION has major importance !
   6. Constellation and the Zodiac :
   When dividing the 360 degrees of the Great Circle of the Universe into 27 equal parts we shall have :
  13 degrees and 20 minutes each  and are called as STARS ; and the collective name is Constellation.
  When dividing the 360 degrees of the same Great Circle into 12 equal parts we shall then have :
   30 degrees each and are called as Signs ; and the collective name is Zodiac.
These are Mathematical elements to the Art and Science of Astrology which is based on Spiritual Codes aiming at guidance and protection ;and these have connection with the true positions of Heavenly bodies at the level of Astronomical Study to determine the Heavenly Map.
  The Astrological Constellation has 27 Stars and they have their Names with slight differences according to the accepted pronunciation of  the language in usage ; and the names are Spiritual and Religious.
In English we use the Astronomical Names with additional symbols to specify the Magnitude of Stars.
  The Astrological Zodiac has Signs of the Constellation and are 12  ;they too have names with slightly differed pronunciation at places ;and they too are Devotional !
  These 12  Astrological Signs and those 27 Stars are named after Heavenly elements to be prayed and worshipped by US. 
                   MAHENDRA :
The blissful and wonderful physical structure is purely under our vision to supply , support and protect ; and the inner most organization is also within our range of Control. When we understand this Capability
we every one is MAHENDRA.
   The Heavenly Indra is for Eastern direction and He is the leader to the Heaven and He is limited by AREA.
  Human being is Narendra and is Bestowed with Unlimited powers on anything he wish and select ; and he should become MAHENDRA  !
  MAHENDRA , the controller of all Outward senses and Emotions.

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