Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Moon voyage through Apollo 11 .

Invocation :
   BOMMIDI THURINJIPATTI , Oddupallam Sri Samy KUPPAMMA(L) , SRI Blue Metal Shree VENKATESHWARA and SRI BALAMURUGA , we are your lucky Children to be Guarded and to be Guided by You. Place us under YOUR control at proper places and provide us with suitable WORDS to write and Converse ever ; and Be among us always and Bless us. 
  Note : If you notice any erroneous points in our presentation we shall admit that they are OUR mistakes.
For the accuracy of narrative , the Credit and Appraisal goes to the Sources we learnt and USE.  Utilizing the Major reference for verification of Historical and Technological data we acknowledge with thanks to GOOGLE : https://googleweblight.com/?lite_url=https:/en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11&ei=gbnvYFXm&lc=en-IN&s=1&m=167&host=www.google.co.in&ts=1470755698&sig=AKOVD64g31qMQgZ5Gjy51hDQoAi1W4_tvw
  On 21st July 1969 , Monday , Man set foot on the Moon. The blogger was then 14 years old and was studying in 8th Standard in Government High School, BOMMIDI THURINJIPATTI. His ENGLISH Teacher Mr K Shanmugam was a versatile genius and collected every detail of the 'Moon Voyage :1969'  and delivered it to the students in the form of an article of his 'own careful preparation' with step by step description of the entire 'Space journey presentation'. We were able to visualize the happenings of the space project easily. More than that facility , all the students of the entire School were instructed to memorise the data for 'future use'.  The learned Head Master Mr K Sengodan arranged for a essay competition too on this subject to STORE  the message among the students in lively device. Now we thank GOOGLE Search Engine for its Greatest  Resource Service , at present , in supplying us the valuable past journey's essential details more than enough in thousands of pages with useful rare photos together.   This broad honourable SERVICE could be compared to a devoted Mother who eagerly feeds her baby with Good Will, Happiness and DIVINE   satisfaction.... WITH abundant Blessings , as GOD does !
What the blogger absorbed , learnt and memorised freshly in that old 1969 past age about the 'Moon Voyage' is Clearly and precisely treasured in 'Google Search Pages' with (rare) useful photos too to help everyone NOWEvery minute detail of the 'Voyage to the Moon' ; oh ! amazing ,  particularly the sensitive information : 'the deep intention of Edvin E "Buzz" Aldrin Jr to say his Holy Communion  in the Space' ... is recorded sincerely ...
  We all have 'unique' positive and negative views in every expression of our own MOOD and decision. All these 'optional things' are the Basis for our success or failure : in OUR profession , family life , friendship and Spiritual search also.
  What we select , and what we neglect or avoid is the major issue ! No destiny nor fate is framed by any UNKNOWN exterior agents. One's destiny or fate IS his/her own KNOWN design and construction. No supernatural power is EVER Compelling us to do things  . .. like 'this' or 'that'. Our past experience , education , maturity through age and family guidance... and 'Good Friendship support'  should lead us to the correct path. Then there is no need to rely on foolish excuses or false doctrines of exterior reasons.
  We have a vast space on our Earth unstudied yet. But we spend on outer space voyages ...
We don't know the mood and intention of our next door dwellers ; and we fight for nothing. No nations organize together for the essential freedom of Humanitarian Rights ; and we fight for Border Security and standardizing the Regime. No education Concentrates on Morality and Culture ; and we push our students to 'extra classes' to come first and become topper in Government Exams and Interviews. We don't know the actual work before us for a better future ; and we BOLDLY share together our money and time on Cinema factory's success and ITS eternal survival.  ...!
  We , all of us , are definitely  aware of our financial position and the immediate Expenses ; and we know OUR actual income we earn or we expect to be EARNed ; and we YET  brightly plan on loans beyond our Capacity  ?
  Why these irrational controversial approaches emerge ,  and are easily allowed to 'over dominate' us who are 1. either the Children of any one of the Faithful Religions or 2. purely of the sons and daughters of one Strong unwavering rational THOUGHT ?
  Please , audience , go through the Questions and sincerely explore the reason behind these increasing disturbances to 'secure thought' and 'Fair Vision' !
23 09 2016 , FRIDAY.
12 18 hours , afternoon.
The First FRIDAY of Purattaasi month, Dhunmugi cyclic Year.
Thanks to GOOGLE friends and family. WHOAM.
Note :
We do freely use the inventions and those discoveries of the Great Mathematicians and Scientists for our well being and happiness.  But so far... what DID we learn from the LIFE of them all  ?
Do we ever NOTICE the fundamental cause for some of the famous persons' failure , desertedness or untimely DEATH ?
Copy and Save WHOAM SANTHI.

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